Why Fashion Needs To Be More Sustainable?

Why Fashion Needs To Be More Sustainable

Fashion is an industry that has a significant impact on our lives, from the clothes we wear to the trends we follow. However, the fashion industry’s impact goes beyond just our personal style choices. The production of clothing has serious environmental, social, and economic consequences that cannot be ignored. 

The fashion industry is responsible for a significant amount of pollution, and its fast-paced, low-cost production model often exploits workers and harms local economies. This is why sustainability is crucial for the fashion industry, as it provides a way to balance economic growth with social and environmental responsibility. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why fashion needs to be more sustainable, and how sustainable fashion practices can benefit not only the environment but also workers and the economy.

Fashion and Sustainability

Sustainability in the context of fashion refers to the development and implementation of environmentally friendly and socially responsible practices throughout the entire lifecycle of a fashion product, from the sourcing of raw materials to the production, distribution, use, and disposal of the product.

This includes minimizing non-renewable resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting ethical labor practices, and reducing waste and pollution. Sustainable fashion also involves designing products that have a longer lifespan, are durable and can be repaired, reused or recycled. 

Many are introducing new ways to achieve sustainability in different sectors. One of them is Cradle-to-cradle design which is an efficient approach toward sustainable fashion. Cradle-to-cradle is the process of creating products of all kinds that can be truly recycled (upcycled) at the end of their useful lives. This mimics nature’s cycle, in which everything is either recycled or returned to the earth, directly or indirectly through food, as an entirely safe, non-toxic, and biodegradable nutrient through biodegradation.

In short, sustainable fashion aims to minimize the negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment and society, while creating products that are both stylish and functional.

Fashion and Sustainability

Reasons Why Fashion Needs to be More Sustainable

Today’s fashion industry is more reliant on fast fashion because of its affordability and obtainability. But it needs to be changed if we want to save the planet. And sustainable fashion is the only way. There are plenty of reasons for switching to sustainable fashion. We have discussed the negative side of fast fashion and the positive impact of sustainable fashion.

Negative Impact of Today’s Fashion

The fashion industry is one of the largest industries in the world, but unfortunately, it also has a significant negative impact on the environment, society and economy. Statistics show fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions and is the second-largest consumer of water worldwide (after agriculture). 

Let’s talk about some of the negative consequences that today’s fast fashion has: 

1. Water Pollution

The fashion industry uses vast amounts of water in the production of clothes, including dyeing and finishing processes. This results in the discharge of toxic chemicals and synthetic dyes into water bodies, causing water pollution.

2. Land Pollution

The fashion industry also contributes to land pollution through the use of synthetic materials and the disposal of waste. Synthetic materials take a long time to decompose, and the waste from fashion production often ends up in landfills.

3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The fashion industry is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The production of clothes requires the use of energy-intensive processes, such as dyeing, finishing, and transportation, which contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases.

4. Deforestation

The production of natural fibers, such as cotton and wood-based fibers, contributes to deforestation, which leads to the loss of biodiversity and contributes to climate change.

5. Water Scarcity

The production of cotton requires a lot of water, which can lead to water scarcity in areas where water is already scarce.

6. Chemical Exposure

The use of toxic chemicals in the production of clothes can expose workers to harmful substances, leading to health problems and environmental pollution.

7. Long working hours

Fashion industry workers often work very long hours, sometimes up to 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. This can lead to exhaustion and burnout, and can also be dangerous if workers are operating heavy machinery or working with hazardous chemicals.

8. Unsafe working conditions 

Many factories in the fashion industry have poor working conditions, with workers exposed to hazardous chemicals, poor ventilation, and inadequate safety equipment. This can lead to serious health problems, including respiratory problems, skin conditions, and even cancer.

9. Lack of job security 

Many fashion industry workers are employed on a temporary or contract basis, with little job security. This means they can be laid off at any time, without any notice or severance pay.

10. Negative Effects on the Economy

Today’s world is run by fast fashion. While fast fashion has made clothing more accessible and affordable to a larger number of consumers, it has also had a significant impact on the global economy. fast fashion relies on short-lived trends and constantly changing fashion to maintain sales. This results in a cycle of constant production, consumption, and waste, which has high economic and environmental costs.

Negative Impact of Today’s Fashion

Overall, the fashion industry relies heavily on the exploitation of the environment, workers and economy. It is hampering the ecosystem and will be worse in the future if we do not take any steps. That’s why It’s essential to address these issues and work towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in fashion production.

Positive Impact of Sustainability on Fashion

Sustainability has had a positive impact on the fashion industry in many ways. Here are some of the key benefits of sustainability in fashion:

1. Environmental protection

Sustainable fashion promotes the use of eco-friendly materials, reduces waste, and minimizes the carbon footprint of the industry. By using natural fibers, and organic dyes, and minimizing water and energy consumption, sustainable fashion reduces the negative impact on the environment.

2. Social Impact 

Sustainability in fashion supports fair labor practices and ethical working conditions for employees. It also ensures that workers are paid a living wage and that there is no child labor involved in the production process. Sustainable fashion promotes inclusivity and diversity in the workplace.

3. Consumer awareness

The sustainability movement has led to increased consumer awareness of the impact of their purchasing decisions on the environment and society. Consumers are becoming more conscious about what they wear and where it comes from, and are actively seeking out sustainable fashion options.

4. Innovation and creativity

Sustainable fashion encourages innovation and creativity in design, materials, and production methods. Designers are exploring new ways to create sustainable fashion, using recycled and upcycled materials, and experimenting with new techniques to reduce waste.

5. Economic benefits

The sustainable fashion industry is becoming more profitable as consumers shift their focus towards environmentally friendly and ethical fashion. This in turn creates new job opportunities and boosts economic growth in the fashion industry.

Positive Impact of Sustainability on Fashion

Sustainable fashion is a win-win for both the environment and society. By promoting environmental sustainability, social responsibility, ethical consumption, and innovation, sustainable fashion can help create a more sustainable and responsible fashion industry. 

Despite the negative economic impacts of fast fashion, there are efforts being made by some companies and consumers to move towards more sustainable and ethical fashion practices like Taan. By choosing to buy from sustainable fashion brands like Taan, consumers can support responsible fashion production and minimize the negative economic impact of fast fashion.


Hope this blog will make you understand why fashion needs to be more sustainable. The fashion industry needs to prioritize sustainability to minimize its environmental impact and ensure a better future for the planet. 

Besides one should beware of greenwashing. When a company’s management team makes erroneous, unsupported, or blatantly deceptive claims about the sustainability of a good or service, or even about business operations in general, this is known as “greenwashing.”

This shift towards sustainability requires a collective effort from everyone involved in the fashion industry, including manufacturers, designers, consumers, and policymakers. By working together and making more conscious choices, the fashion industry can reduce its environmental footprint and help to create a more sustainable and ethical future.


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